Sunday, April 29, 2012


I'm thankful that...

my skirt did not get caught in the car door.
my juice did not spill, even though I was being careless.
my cat has not hissed at me in the past couple days.
I (hopefully!) have not made any grammatical mistakes in this post.
yesterday's headache went away.

Friday, April 27, 2012


I'm thankful that...

the lemon juice did not spill when I dropped it.
I was able to get everywhere on time today.
I crossed the street without being run over.
a few days ago I saw a funny name that made me laugh.
my computer did not die.
my sweatshirt is soft.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I'm thankful...

for juice.
for bright colors.
that I have a pretty phone case.
that I got to see some friends today.
for the "refresh"  button.
that I got to do some fun crafts.
for portable heaters.
that I have a piano.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I'm thankful for...

spell check.
light bulbs.


I'm thankful that...

I found my flash drive (which was never really lost).
news exists. 
I remembered to bring my phone.
my cats are furry.
the pages in the book I'm reading are not torn.
I have access to books on MP3.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I am thankful that...

the trees are flowering.
I have access to orange juice.
I can use a computer.
my family is really awesome.
I got to play a board game a few days ago.
I found my cell phone.

Thank You

I am thankful for...

pretty paper.

Monday, April 23, 2012


I'm thankful that...

I (mostly) figured out the new interface.
the sign in town was painted, and it looks good!
I have opportunities to be around music.
I live on the most beautiful planet in the Solar System.
my brother lent me 2 mechanical pencils.